Simplifying Quality Control for the Petrochemical Industry

Our solutions for challenging matrices and tightening regulations.

Simplifying Quality Control for the Petrochemical Industry - Our solutions for challenging matrices and tightening regulations.

To ensure product quality and process optimization, the determination of elemental impurities is crucial for control labs in refineries and in the production of alternative fuels. Analytik Jena's versatile solutions help you comply with international regulations and improve analysis of petroleum products, natural gas and alternative fuels.

Call to Action - Please contact us. We are looking forward to you.

Web Seminar Simplify Your Quality Control

Registration Webinar Simplify Your Quality Control - Analytik Jena

Find out about compEAct, our new S/N analyzer for the petrochemical industry. The recording to webinar showcase the core benefits and concepts behind the compEAct. It also present exemplary applications and measurements adhering to international standards.

Watch the recording of the web seminar

Expert Knowledge – Read our Application Notes

Application Notes – Choose your options to find application notes

Products & Technology

Micro-Elemental Analysis


Micro-Elemental Analysis

multi EA 5000

Macro-Elemental Analysis

multi EA 4000

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